Wholemeal Bun

Bun made of wholemeal and white flour blend to give balanced nutrition benefits and volume. It has fluffy texture and delicate crunchy crust. Suitable for burgers and sandwiches. Sizes vary accordingly to weight:

60 g = ∅ 9.5 сm
80 g = ∅ 10.5 cm 
100 g = ∅ 11 сm
120 g = ∅ 11.5 cm


60 g, 80 g, 100 g, 120 g



Ingredients explained:



Nutrition value per 100 gi

  100 g GDA*
kJ 1227 15%
kcal 292 15%
Protein 8.16 g 18%
Fat 4.81 g 7%
Saturated Fat 0.93 g 5%
Carbohydrates 53.25 g 20%
Sugar 3.97 g 4%
Fibres 4.97 g  
NaCl 1.15 g 19%